Craigie Horsefield / How the world occurs

Craigie Horsefield / How the world occurs
Detail: Zoo, Oxford, January 1990

The exhibition Craigie Horsefield / How the world occurs is co-curated by artistic director Edwin Jacobs (for the last time) and runs from 30 October to 5 February 2017 in Centraal Museum.

Photo’s: Connie van Driel

Villa Comunale, Pagani, Naples, 2010

Craigie Horsfield is known for his profoundly moving images of individuals and groups of people, as well as atmospheric representations of landscapes, often produced as tapestries on an epic scale. With around forty works in a range of media, including photography, tapestry, fresco technique and a new site-specific sound work, the museum gives you the opportunity to reflect on your relationship to the world and how you perceive the world.


Zoo Oxford, January 1990
Sabina, La Dahesa, El Hierro, March 2008
Craigie Horsefield / How the world occurs
Broadway, 14th day, 18 minutes after dusk, New York, September 2001.

The exhibition is the result of a long-term collaboration between Horsfield and Centraal Museum. Previously, the museum worked with the artist on a social project in the city of Utrecht, for which he made portraits with thirty people who live in and around Utrecht. For these portraits he was asked to draw inspiration from art works in the museum’s collections. These portraits will form a central part of the exhibition and are shown here for the first time. You can watch the video about the photographic portraits that Horsfield made of Utrecht citizens here.

The Utrecht Portraits, Nanda Janssen
The Utrecht Portraits, Lydia Gadellaa